Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Organize The Filing Box!

It is time to tackle your filing system! Since it is the beginning of the year it is best to do this now to make room for this years filing! Go through each folder and figure out what items you need to keep in the active file box, which items you need to store elsewhere and which items you can trash. The purpose of this is to eliminate the paper clutter, make items easier to find, and have a place for new items!

To complete this task you will need:
- a marker
- manila envelopes
- paper shredder or  fire pit

First you will read through all your files, figure out which files  can be stored in manila envelopes and kept a different spot.

These files may include: 
previous tax information
last years medical or misc. bills

* These are items that don't need to be in your active filing box,( unless you have a big cabinet) but you need to keep them for reference. Make sure you label and file correctly so items are easy to find when you need them.

I love these folders

 Trash the items that you do not need!
Yes all this was Trash!
We had old pay stubs, old bank statements, school info, and order invoices! 
It is best to use a paper shredder but since Colby and I don't have one (I know weird right... you would think I do) We used our fire pit instead! Colby thought this part was fun.. I'm glad I waited until he got home for this.

One of the most important tips for organizing is to figure out what works for you! I am more productive when items are organized and I know where to find and store certain items.

A place for everything, everything in its place.Benjamin Franklin

and some day in the future I will have this...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mail oh Mail!

We all know that at times our counters and desks can be covered in mail! Here our some of my tips for keeping your mail organized!

1. Have a catch all basket!
This is mainly used to store all the items you want to go through later. The problem with this is is creates another "junk drawer" so make sure if you use a catch all basket that you go through it weekly to reduce becoming a hoarder ;)

2. Make a "To File" Bin
This is usually kept in your office on your desk or bookshelf. This is for all the mail that you have looked at that needs to be filed. Along with the catch all basket, this "to file" bin should be filed weekly or even bi-weekly.

3. Have a File Box or Cabinet
Everyone must have a file system of some sort, make sure that your files are useful. Also make sure that your File Box is in a reachable and good spot to make filing easy to do. Then annually go through and clean out necessary files. 

4. Place for Ads
We all get the ads in the mail that sometimes you may keep for that week so if you happen to go to that store, you can check out the ad first. For this I have a drawer in my hutch in the kitchen that I put ads in and each time I get the new ads I throw the others away! You might even find it best just to throw them away after looking at them to again reduce clutter!

5. Shredder
Shredders are great! No need to explain!

6. Magazines
have a place to store your magazines, so when you get them in the mail you put them in their spot! Every so often you can go through and toss or giveaway the magazines you no longer need.

7. Mail organizer
 Create or buy a system to store new mail. Instead of leaving another family members mail on the counter (to be hidden under other stuff) You will put it in your organizer so they can check it when they get a chance. Make sure you use name labels! be creative on this! You can use bins, baskets, drawers, or even buy one.

- While on the topic of mail... you might want to now take the time to go through all those emails you have! Create folders and delete junk mail. You will be surprised how much easier it is to find old emails or enjoy checking for new ones.  Check your email a couple times a week to keep up on incoming mail!

When taking the time to organize your mail and creating a system that works best for you, as well as tackling that crazy inbox... Make sure you keep up on it! All of the tips above won't work if you don't make it a routine!

Be Creative!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Label it!

I LOVE Labels!
Labels are a great touch to organizing!

I fell in love with my labels that i bought on clearance in the Martha Stewart department of Michaels, they were suppose to be envelope seals but with a fine tip black marker they turned into cute little labels!
I have been wanting a label maker for like years... everyones like um... your weird. Whatev.
The other day Colby's Mom called me and shared the good news that she bought me a label maker!
Bonus: it was only $3 at a garage sale! That's a steal.
Colby picked it up for me today and when i got it out of the package it was labeled with a
 "hi britt"... we were meant to be.
Thanks Beverly for the label maker!

Label it:

1. if you are having a party, label the food and drinks! it is a cute little touch. be creative... make labels that match your theme.

2. Label leftovers! (with a date or even reheating directions)

3. Label keys that look alike using nail polish!

4. Use labels made out of Duct Tape in the garage to help keep you guy organized too! The duct tape is "manly" so he won't mind ;)

5. Label spices or canisters.

6. Label your books that friends or family may borrow with address labels!

7. Label storage items like plastic bins! Write on the label what is in them.

8. In your office label cords going into your power surge protector, so you know what cord goes to what.

9. Label a "to file" box store items you need to file and then weekly file them!

10. Label baskets in the playroom or kids rooms!

 Be creative when labeling!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Airtight...Waterproof...Reusable... Space Bags!

The weather is starting to change and I am too excited! I couldn't wait any longer to get my winter clothes out. So... Last Wednesday with 2 hours to spare before Modern Family... I rearranged our closet to fit in our winter clothes! 

Use Space Bags To:

- store seasonal clothes, to create more space in your closet allowing your clothes to hang nice :)

- store bedroom linens. Bed linens like comforters, quilts, down inserts tend to take up lots of space when storing.

- Store formal dresses, baby clothing or blankets, pillows, and jackets.

if you have cats...

- do not store space bags in a place that they like to hide...

I stored our for a short period under our bed. Well that's were Millie likes to be therefore we were woken up one night by Millie popping all the bags... So i would suggest storing the bags on shelves high up in closets. Space bags will keep out moisture and dust. Throw a dryer sheet in with your items to keep them smelling fresh!

In conclusion... I love my Space Bags! I ordered (9 but ended up with 18) from target! I like the Large Bags, though they come in many sizes.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Let's Begin: Closets!

Last wednesday with the help of my sister (who was forced ) cleaned out every closet in my house. It felt so good to organize and throw away clutter and "stuff " that you hang on to no apparent reason. Apparently cleaning out my closets just wasn't enough.

So... Yesterday at my moms house I managed to tear apart her whole room by cleaning out her closet. Really have I lost my mind! Do you know how much stuff our parents keep? But the idea that my mom has this nice walk in closet and it was being used as storage not a closet kept me going... no wonder she hates getting dressed, she can't find anything! So I started this project at almost 3pm. My mom about flipped when she got home...she is a clean freak, with the exception of her closet. We went through her clothes and boxes of old memories... laughing, crying and all. (her closet looks awesome now!)

With the help of english muffins and coffee... we were able to tackle the linen and guest room closets as well!

 3 am... 12 hours later...  6 garbage bags ...  1 bag of clothes ... and have a car FULL of goodwill stuff... I think it was a success!

Helpful Tips:

Everything needs a spot, if you can't find one... find one outside of the house! (garbage or goodwill)

Are you really going to use it/wear it? if not... garbage or goodwill it.

Everyone has a keepsake box. It is okay to have it and keep those random meaningful things in it!

 Use baskets or bins to organize items.

Get Inspired!