Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mail oh Mail!

We all know that at times our counters and desks can be covered in mail! Here our some of my tips for keeping your mail organized!

1. Have a catch all basket!
This is mainly used to store all the items you want to go through later. The problem with this is is creates another "junk drawer" so make sure if you use a catch all basket that you go through it weekly to reduce becoming a hoarder ;)

2. Make a "To File" Bin
This is usually kept in your office on your desk or bookshelf. This is for all the mail that you have looked at that needs to be filed. Along with the catch all basket, this "to file" bin should be filed weekly or even bi-weekly.

3. Have a File Box or Cabinet
Everyone must have a file system of some sort, make sure that your files are useful. Also make sure that your File Box is in a reachable and good spot to make filing easy to do. Then annually go through and clean out necessary files. 

4. Place for Ads
We all get the ads in the mail that sometimes you may keep for that week so if you happen to go to that store, you can check out the ad first. For this I have a drawer in my hutch in the kitchen that I put ads in and each time I get the new ads I throw the others away! You might even find it best just to throw them away after looking at them to again reduce clutter!

5. Shredder
Shredders are great! No need to explain!

6. Magazines
have a place to store your magazines, so when you get them in the mail you put them in their spot! Every so often you can go through and toss or giveaway the magazines you no longer need.

7. Mail organizer
 Create or buy a system to store new mail. Instead of leaving another family members mail on the counter (to be hidden under other stuff) You will put it in your organizer so they can check it when they get a chance. Make sure you use name labels! be creative on this! You can use bins, baskets, drawers, or even buy one.

- While on the topic of mail... you might want to now take the time to go through all those emails you have! Create folders and delete junk mail. You will be surprised how much easier it is to find old emails or enjoy checking for new ones.  Check your email a couple times a week to keep up on incoming mail!

When taking the time to organize your mail and creating a system that works best for you, as well as tackling that crazy inbox... Make sure you keep up on it! All of the tips above won't work if you don't make it a routine!

Be Creative!

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